Hello FAM!. am glad you made it to our February potential series class.it has always been an honor serving you. This series is life lifting and transforming, so i will advice you take out note to jot things you can catch. Let get down to business the term "POTENTIAL" has been given so much concentration from the local scene, self discovery platform, conferences both on international and religious environment etc. took up the burden upon themselves to share more light on potential. But to date only few numbers has been  able to fully get the glimpse of this term. let get this term right.

potential can be best describe as a dormant ability, reserved power, untapped strength, unused success, hidden talents, capped capability an individual possesses but unknown to such individual. potential can also be said to be an unidentified personality trapped within an individual.

Potential is therefore not what you have done, but what you are yet able to do. In other words, what you have done is no longer your potential. What you have successfully accomplished is no longer potential. It is said that unless you do something beyond what you have done, you will never grow or experience your full potential. Potential demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished. Let me explain my point if your previous accomplishment  was securing a job, starting a business, attain a good grade or doing what you never thought of you could do, don't just don't stop there or see your self fulfilled, the law of potential demands that you just not stop there you have to gather more momentum and prove to them that you are the only version of you that company,niche, that school, or that pursuit can get.

 One of the great enemies of your potential is SUCCESS. yes! SUCCESS most at time we allow a particular height deprive us from searching out new possibilities within yourself. Often times we become self satisfied within a particular achievement that we fail to prepare a path way others will use to trace their way into their potentials. Realizing your full potential, you must never be satisfied with your last accomplishment. It is also important that you never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life that never realized its full potential. You must decide today not to rob the world of the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you. Potential never has a retirement plan.

                                                BASIC POTENTIAL THEORY
To simplify this concept of potential let us look at one of the most powerful elements in nature…the seed. If I held a seed in my hand and asked you, “What do I have in my hand?” what would you say? Perhaps you would answer what seems to be the obvious…like you are holding a seed, because you are judging and answering base on what your eyes can see and what your mind analyzed. However, if you truly understand the nature of a seed, your answer would be fact but not truth. The truth is am holding a forest in my hand, not just a seed. hmm Why or How?.

 Because in every seed there is a tree, and   in ever tree there is a fruit that have seeds… and in the seed comes a tree again which definitely  has a fruit that will posses a seed... etc you see the nature that resulted to my answer. In essence, what you see is not all there is. Relating this to the topic POTENTIAL is not judged from the outside. You achieve POTENTIAL through due process, just like the seed. When GOD create ADAM it seems impossible to produce the five billion human we have over the world today. So POTENTIAL  is not what is, but what could be, what could be generated over time, what an individual is capable of doing over time. God created everything with potential, including you. He placed the seed of each thing within itself (Genesis 1:12), and planted within each person or thing He created the ability to be much more than it is at any one moment. remember the above illusion. Thus, everything in life has potential. Nothing in life is instant. People think miracles are instant, but they really are not. They are just a process that has been sped up. Nothing God created is instant, because God does not operate in the instant. He is a God of the potential thoery. Everything begins as potential. He did not create a ready-made human race—the earth was not given an instant population. God made one person—not a million people. He started with one seed. Then from that one He created another. Then He said to those seeds, “Bless you (that means, ‘You have My permission’). Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” In Adam, God gave the earth a seed with the potential of one…one hundred…one thousand…one million…. The five billion people on the earth today were in that one man’s loins. God knew that in Adam and Eve there were enough people to fill the earth. That’s the way God works. He knows the potential principle because He introduced it.

Potential is always present, waiting to be exposed. It demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished. One of the greatest enemies of your potential as earlier stated is your success. God wants you to maximize the potential He has given to you. You are not yet what you are supposed to be though you may be pleased with what you now are. Don’t accept your present state in life as final, because it is just that, a state. Don’t be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because there are many accomplishments yet to be perfected. Since you are full of potential, you should not be the same person next year that you are this year. Never accept success as a lifestyle it is but a phase. Never accept an accomplishment as the end it is but a mark in the process. Because you are God’s offspring, there are many selves within you that lie dormant, untapped and unused. Your primary problem is that you do not think like God does.

I will conclude this episode with this,the wealthiest places is not the oil fields of the Arab nations, nor the diamond mines of South African  nor the luxury of  Dubai. the wealthiest place is within your neighborhood a destination called the GRAVE, inside the grave are books not written, songs not sang, inventions not invented, solutions not distributed. Potential has nothing to do with age, been old or young has nothing to do with our your potential abilities. if only you could look down and see the possibilities  available within you nothing stop you from achieving it, you are an image filled with potential so make good use of this opportunities.

join us same place this Monday for another episode of potential series, feel free to invite friends to join this series or  you can  share this articles with them using the share button below.
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if you have personal questions you think you can share using the comment section reach the admin through the mail sylmiracle@gmail.com. I  will be glad to be of help.

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