WELCOME TO RELATIONSHIP SERIES WITH PASTOR VICTOR ADEYI.  Sit back and enjoy the journey of possibilities. 

Author: Pst. Vee
Pt. 1a
      I welcome you all to the beginning of this life transforming SERIES and I trust God that this series puts an end to past failed relationships as your relationship is about taking a new turn.
         As i begin setting a table to brings us into    understanding what this series is all about.

Let's look at this from the terminology
How many of us have relationship goals?
         I believe many people understand what it means to be in a relationship which connotes  getting connected relationally with someone at any level  either as friends, family, loved ones, business partners etc. But we don't understand in clarity what we should be expect from those relationships. 
I have discovered that our understanding is a little mis_scrolled or distorted.
      I want to quickly bring you into understanding what I mean by GOAL : A goal is the result or achievement towards which an effort is directed.
Beloved, whether your relationship is complicated, you're divorced or it's not working.
I don't know the level of relationship you're in right now. But I want to tell you with all assured ness that God wants you to have a SUCCESSFUL relationship. The problem many times is that we don't have our aimed directed when it comes to relationship. So we take whatever comes and do whatever feel comfortable.
        *We don't have a clear Aim as to what we want from our relationships, and if you don't  have AIM you cannot have a goal.
        *Many people just want to get into a relationship without even knowing what they want out of that relationship.
That way you see a cute looking, Anointed, tongue talking guy and you conclude he's the one even before knowing him. We many times confuse an act of kind gesture to mean that, that guy must be interested in us and all that......" And begin to conceive wrong imageries all aimed at supporting your lust to the glorification of ignorance and bankruptcy of adequate light in that department of life.

      So since you're not aimed at anything; you're blinded by what culture says and you begin to SHOULD at anything and everything.

The honest TRUTH is people and things becomes damaged immediately we loose focus on what God has for us. many of us are products of people trying to have relationship with us, without having proper aim; so they mal_handle our lives and leave us in the shadow of their past wallowing in pains and regret.
         If our relationship must work out and  successful. There's a need for proper goal setting. we need to understand what God has said concerning our levels of relationships.

Hear me!
         A fixed focus bring you into TARGET. If your focus is on the world and not on the word of God then that's a moving TARGET.  
 Your target needs to be on God's word #stable

In the world system you don't even need to get close to somebody before you are given licence  into intimate private areas. Because of wrong informations and distorted focus established outside God. 
In that Iniquity has become socially accepted and endorsed.

What I want to achieve by this series is to dispel the enemy that has kept the body of Christ in darkness and bring light to everyone under the influence of this teaching.

Beloved, what God wants for everyone of us is to have a successful relationship, but we need to have our aim be stayed on Something that is STABLE. I like at this juncture to submit to us that the only thing that is unchanging, unmovable and unwavering is the word of God.

Isaiah 40:8 Amplified Bible (AMP)
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.

Many relationships has failed, divorce has become the order of the day. Hmmmmmmm
       I know the kardashian has become so many persons relationship models, I know movies and wrong social media relationship tips contributed to where you now find yourself existing and operating in FICTION. I know you have blogs that you listen to and people who talk to you.

But I'm asking you to please follow me for just this 4 weeks, 8 sessions. So we can let the word of God be our standard for our every relationship.
So we can begin to experience newness in our relationships as we allow God's word become our only standard.

Let's start from the Beginning in Genesis. Because  Relationship was firstly established in Genesis and there was no comprehensive record of the subject of relationship before this time...

I'm about going deeper into the subject NOW.
As I take us on a quick journey....
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