Readerstales BLOG/relationship series

Author: Pst Vee

          Wow! It's been a season of great LIGHT. And I Believe God is up to something. 
We have gotten over 600,000 persons who have  engaged, read and great numbers of shares across several e-platforms with jaw dropping testimonies.
Thanks for keeping pace with the series.
God bless you.

I Believe one of the mandate of this series is to connect us back to God's model for relationship. Because they're things in relationship that we don't really talk about so we live in assumption, mending and trusting God to heal our relationship than we do in PREPARATION. God wants us to win in our relationship that's why he left us the Bible, that's why the church is there so that we can Connect with relevant light needed to win in our relationship.

Today, I will be talking about a phase of our life that has been so abused. Many don't seem to understand that phase of life so it's been ignored.
But, as I study God's word it revolutionizes my mind on how important the topic we're going to talk about is in everybody's life.

      Today we will be looking at
I know some of you following the series are married and some engaged and you're like pastor Vee we will just be talking about SINGLENESS throughout this ( Part 2).
       Do you know that some of the problem you're experiencing today in your marriage could be as a result of the mistakes you made while you were single?  Do you know that if you win in your singleness phase, you can't fail in marriage?
       I need you to understand that you start building capacity for your future home from when you're SINGLE and not just preparing for marriage. The mistake many made was to enter into a marital relationship UNPREPARED and are now experiencing all manner which would have been prevented in SINGLENESS. 

       Many of us interpret Singleness as a phase of  ones life where they suffer loneliness. But, I want you to understand today that you can be SINGLE and not be LONELY.  Oh yes!
Studying through the Bible I realized that God emphasized more on our individuality than He talked about marriage.
From the beginning the first thing that God created was not marriage. He created man first and kept him in Eden so Purpose can happen to him. Adam began tending the Garden even before Eve came. He already started working in purpose and seeing results before the institution of marriage was established. 

But in our Generation today, the Ultimate goal of any relationship is marriage in that when you're 25 - 30 and you're unmarried they begin to look at you as though something is wrong with you.
Like are you okay? 
You understand that gesture of " I have been seeing you with Bro White , what relationship are you two keeping?.......
Because of this mindset we find ourselves doing all we can to settle down too early without understanding what God's model is for our marital relationship.

Over the years we have heard stuffs that made us feel like during SINGLENESS we're just not enough, we feel incomplete, like if I'm not married, I'm not good enough to fulfill vision.
Hear me: I'm not saying marrying early enough is WRONG, what I want to drive home is this, that you can maximize you singleness and begin to actualize God's mandate for your life even as a single brother/Sister.

I want you to take advantage of your SINGLENESS so you will be at Advantage in your Marriage. I want you to know that singleness might be the most important time of your life. The space when you're not responsible for anybody else except you is the best stage you need to develop yourself more.
What I want to correct is the fact that most of us neglect this season of our lives and try to feature in the preferred future we didn't prepare for.

We start dreaming of those beautiful pre-wedding pictures and the glamour displays that comes with it. But don't seem to understand that it takes, we only assume what it takes.  Such that our primary focus is now on
.....oh I think she's pretty and I'm sure our pre-wedding pictures will get over 1million likes....... 
What a distortion of God's intention for marriage..
Because of this we enter into marriage haphazardly, but don't know the full detail. And because we went into it haphazardly we think we can just log out haphazardly. 
We now see DIVORCE as no big deal.
  Hear me!
    Divorce is not God's expected end for you.
Divorce doesn't solve the issues you failed to address during singleness rather it creates a void in your heart that time cannot fill. That's why the Bible says that God hate divorce.

Malachi 2:16
16 For [a]I hate [b]divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “and [c]him who covers his garment with [d]wrong,” says the Lord of hosts. “So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”

Many rush into marriage, because they think it will solve their loneliness problem.
    The issues is that you're sick and tired of you, and you're planning on getting settled with another who is also sick and tired of themselves and both of you want to come together to solve LONELINESS?
    Don't forget both of you are sick of your individual self. Coming together is just to become even more sick.

And because you've not yet discovered your bearing, where you're tending to. You pick a wrong person because you don't even know you. If you don't know you, how will you know the right person for you?

The essence of this series is to help us not to live in the Dark concerning what's God model is for our relationship.

In the next post (Part 2B)  We will deal extensively on What God wants us to know and do during SINGLENESS. And how you can use this phase of life to your ADVANTAGE.
Knowing what God wants out of your life ,helps you live life to the fullest.

One of the season I Believe so much in PREPARATION is because preparation precedes Success.
Any man who is successful in any realm stumbled on something others are not aware of.

I conclude on this NOTE:
Nobody saw the need of Noah's Ark until it started raining. Preparation is not optional, it's sacrosanct.

Please SHARE post so that someone who is not you can also receive light.
And if you're just joining in
Do well to read
Part 1A, B, C and D.   And SHARE as well.
God bless you for keeping pace with me
#Success is tied to your preparation

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