
Author: Pst.Vee

          Thank you for being part of the series. 
 I welcome you to the  #PART_1D of the on going RELATIONSHIP GOAL series. If you're just joining in do well to get the PART 1a,b and c for maximum understanding.
    We will be picking up from the Part 1C talking about WHAT TO DO BEFORE starting a RELATIONSHIP. previously we look at 
1> God's wants to give you a PLACE: - talking about a location where purpose can happen in you life.
2. God wants you to find your PURPOSE in life even before finding your life partner.
👉 see previous post for maximum update.

Today we will be looking at the remaining balance of WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE A RELATIONSHIP which will bring us to the end of Part 1.

 SINCE you have found God's PLACE for you, and you have encountered PURPOSE. 

3. God wants you to have access to PROVISION.
Genesis 2:8-10
8 Then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the East, and there he put the man he had formed.

9 He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good fruit. In the middle of the garden stood the tree that gives life and the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad.........
       Firstly, from the passage above I need you to understand that man can only access everything eternity has made available for him only in the place that God has placed him. The very day the Bible recorded how that man erred and left the place God placed him marks the beginning of Suffering, lack and hardships.

God provides for you absolutely when you're in his purpose for your life. Don't get it twisted God can only fund his ideas, plans and projects.
        God will listen to you pray your own plan...but He will only provide for His. So if you're in a long season of total dryness and empty handedness and it seems as though Nothing is working out, you may need to go back to God and do a check to see if you're at the right place and you're fulfilling his purpose for your life. Because God makes provision grow wherever He is.

I declare today as a servant of the most high .....Anywhere your provision has been caged and one Mad devil is making it look at if you're wasting your life, I declare that they're released in JESUS name.
NOTE: that God wants you to have access to Provisions even before you find a person.

4. God wants you to know your IDENTITY.
Gen 1:26-27
26 Then God said, "And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small."

27 So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female,
       So God created man in His image to function as Him according to His standard of operations. Not according to the standard of this world.
Not to navigate his life according to the standard on INSTAGRAM... Hear me family! 
  ." to Live your life according to the standard of people of INSTAGRAM is to be instantly grounded in life and Destiny.
       God made us like Himself:- meaning as He is so are we in this world.
So your identity, personality and character should not be defined by anybody but God.
    If you allow people to define you and you accept their definition of who they thought you are then you have misplaced your real identity.
*You have a miss view of who you're suppose to be.
I want to deal extensively on the subject of IDENTITY because it's the devils number one tactics. The Devil wants to have you not know who you're.
The Enemy is not scared of a FAKER, he is not afraid of anybody posing to be SOMEBODY ELSE.
He is not afraid of a COUNTERFEIT 

He is afraid of those who are passionate flat footed serving God, those who live,move and have their being in God.

Why is it that the world we're in is getting us to compare ourselves with who we ain't. 
NOTE: if the Devil can get you distracted about who you really are, then he was succeeded in  dismantling your Destiny.

So  to compare yourself with someone else is to get off your identity.
#As you can never be completely comfortable in the identity of somebody who is not you.
#You don't have to GUESS what your identity is, *God has given you an identity.
*You're a King's Child
*You're joint heirs with Christ
*Nothing is impossible for you, because Christ dwells on your inside.
*You're not ordinary
*You're the head and not the tail
*You're above Only and not beneath
*When you walk into a room mountains begins to move either you believe it or you don't..., but I choose to walk with that consciousness.

PLEASE: stop accepting what Somebody who don't even know their identity told you about yourself. Stop believing somebody who is in himself confuse about who they're.

Go back to the word of God and find your real IDENTITY.
Have you heard the saying " if you're not standing for something you will fall for anything?
      The reality is that many believers just want MIRACLES but have not spent time with the WORD enough to know what they should be standing for. So they navigate their life base on what Somebody else's perception is of them.
HEAR ME: God created you the way you're for a PURPOSE. Common Stop trying to take up the identity of somebody who is not you.

God wants to USE you for a PURPOSE regardless of what people are saying concerning you.
You need to know that your identity is confirmed and Affirmed in God.

 Don't forget God gave Adam an Identity before Eve can into his life.
Know your identity, be sure of your identity before you start any relationship don't start blindly. 

5. God wants your life to have a STANDARD.
A person with standards understand the need for principles, parameters and boundaries.

Gen 2:16 - 17
16 He told him, "You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden,

17 EXCEPT the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day."

God wants that our life is principled ,Great minds will agree with that principles helps us stay within our goals, within our pursuit and to stay on Target.
       Verse 17 started with EXCEPT.   hmmm!
EXCEPT? Many people will want to say ..." why will a loving and caring God put a limit von his priceless Creature.
There's an EXCEPT because He loves us. Any good parent will agree with me that if you don't place limit on your children they will HURT themselves. Trust me, they may not hurt themselves on purpose but they will get hurt because of the things that surrounds them.

So God has to put parameters because He loves us and because many of us are spiritually immature.
God gave Adam parameters even before giving him a wife. Adam only failed in Communicating this standards to his wife explicitly. <<(that's a subject for another day)
Yes! If you don't have a standard for your life before you get into a relationship. The relationship will create a standard that you will live by.
The reason so many are HURT in their relationship is because they don't pay attention to those parameters that God gave for purity, for accountability, for honesty, for transparency so they launch into a relationship because it feels good emotionally at the moment only to start blame games few months later.

It's true that two are better than one, even in messing around as well.
If you don't have a standard and you get involved with a person that lacks a standard .
Guess what?
Both of you will make a Mega mess of yourselves.

The real proof of a real Christian maturity is knowing you don't need to do a thing and you don't Even want to try it out for any reason.

For a example:- parents don't allow children walk alone on the street without holding their hands. The child may not want that, he/she may not understand why their parents had to hold them. They may see it as being caged, but as they grow towards maturity they begin to understand and often remind their parents ...please hold my hand ......   You will agree with me that the purpose of the boundary was not aimed at caging the child but to guide that child.

I gave the above illustrations to establish this point. Principles are not aimed at caging you ,but to guide you into accomplishing God's purpose for your life.

6. God wants you to have a Genuine relationship with him.
I said at the beginning of this series that God desires a relationship firstly with Himself and then a relationship for us with others.

1 Peter 1:3
3 Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received!

This is the foundation of everything I have said until the end of this series.
For you to find your PLACE in God
For you to discover your PURPOSE
For you to have access into God's PROVISION for your life. 
And Know who you're in God (IDENTITY).
So your can have STANDARDS for your life so you can succeed in life and Your relationship, you need a genuine relationship with GOD.

NOTE:- you need to #spend time with God.
#Spend time on the word
#Spend time praying and allow God talk back
#Spend time listening to life transforming messages.
#Be accountable for your actions 
#Company  with the right set of people.

Because when you allow more of God in, Everything that is not in Alignment with God FADES OUT.
YOU need to have enough of God to enjoy total success at relationship.

Finally on this session.
I will conclude Part 1 with this 

NO PERSON WILL EVER BE.    With this we have come to the end of PART 1. 
Please ensure you SHARE Part 1a,b,c and d. 
Let someone who is not you receive light today.

#God's Standard

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