PART 2B( episode 6)
Author: Pst_Vee
        It's been two weeks and God has been Faithful. We have had testimonies from across the country and beyond. it's amazing how far God's helped us. 
 I celebrate everyone keeping pace with us from #Nigeria #South_Africa #Ghana #Florida #USA #Australia #Kenya .,............etc.💕 
         You can also follow the series on PREMIUM NEWS NIGERIA and READERSTALES BLOG to catch up with our previous series.
I love you all greatly and I trust God your lives won't be the same after this series.
 #TODAY! I will be picking up from our previous series. We're still on the subject of SINGLENESS. And we're gonna be launching deeper today. 🙌
    I was able to establish that SINGLENESS is an important phase of our life that needs to be maximized.
In this part I will be brings us into things God wants us to be abreast with during SINGLENESS.

    Matthew 22:36-39 (NIV)
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
Read that scripture again 
My emphasis is on :vs 39
And the Second is like it --- meaning the second is equally as important as the first which is the greatest.

    I need you to follow me carefully so you can get this clearly.
Looking at the above scripture you will understand that the prerequisite for loving your neighbor is  LOVING yourself. Which brings us to my first point tonight.

1. In your SINGLENESS God wants you to love yourself. Because you can only love your partner according to the measure of love you have for yourself. This reality is not debatable.
    You cannot figure out how to love someone you're in a relationship with ,if you have not figured out how to love yourself.
Hear me!
Trying to love somebody else when you don't love yourself is a wrong formula, it doesn't work that way.

     First which is the greatest LOVE GOD
     Second Love YOURSELF which is as important as the first.
      Then you can love OTHERS. 
If you know the value of loving yourself and understand the  pain of being HURT, you won't want to hurt someone else.

👉 I got talking with a young man who I invited down for a function some time last week and in the heat of our conversation I asked him.  
       How will you feel if your wife was the one doing what you're doing now?  He broke down and said I never saw it that way 😱?
He was counselled and the addiction broken.
Here's the point I want to drive home.

The reason you don't understand her worth,  is simply because your don't understand your worth. Cos if you do you ,you will treat her with royalty.
    The reason many of us don't give compliments to people and most especially our partners is because we don't feel esteemed ourselves.
    We don't feel adequate enough, so you're married and in competition with your spouse. What a tragedy.
No wonder we're always looking out for faults in our partner.

The reason is because you haven't been isolated enough to get okay with whom God has created you to be. One of the thing God wants us to understand during SINGLENESS is how to love ourselves and value ourselves. So we can know our worth and the worth of the people that will come into your lives. 
      So we start putting unrealistic expectations on our partners which we ourselves cannot meet, the reason is because we have failed to allow God fill the space in our lives that only him can fill when it was just you and him (in your singleness).

I need you to understand that SINGLENESS is the phase where God moulds your character, give you details concerning your future, give you, your work ethics, emotional balance and the health that it takes to be in a relationship. .

Don't allow anybody to deceive you that they heard God, that you're the one they should get married to.🙄
That's a LIE.
God doesn't choose for you, your life partner.
Listen, God matures you to the level where you know the kind of partner that will help you accomplish his purpose for your life.
   I need you to understand that the greatest thing in life is your SALVATION and if God won't impose salvation on you, in that salvation is a free gift based on your decision to accept Jesus Christ as your LORD over your life.  
       How then will God force a partner into your life? 

Proverbs 18:22  (NKJV)
22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
And obtains favor from the Lord.

.......whosoever finds a wife.,......
It's an open cheque, it's a conditional statement >> meaning  there's he who may not......... I will leave this for another day.

God even said concerning Adam that it's not good for a man to be alone, but that was after Adam had found his place in God's Agenda. (Read PART1 to understand the above expression more)
God presented Eve, He paraded Eve as in a beauty pageant like ADAM DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE?
Because Adam see you have a choice in this...

Many of you think God is going to assign one perfect man into your life, who will overlook your dumbness and all your unpreparedness?
    Come on, stop deceiving yourself!
    Stop saying God will give me a man who will    love me for who I am. Start Building yourself, start doing something about yourself.
That's why SINGLENESS is such an important phase of our life, cos God wants to give you VISION, He wants you to find purpose, He wants you to know WHO YOU'RE WITHOUT A PERSON.
The reality is , if you don't know who you are, it will always put you on a spin to be in need somebody else to validate who God has created you to be.
NOTE: You can reach purpose without being Married.
Oh yes! Jesus did it, Paul did it.
I'm going to talk about Dating, Courting ,and Marriage in our subsequent series and all that comes with it. 
But don't get it twisted you can reach purpose and fulfil purpose outside being married.
     So listen, you can fulfill God's goal without being married.

Why the rush?
Maximize your SINGLENESS.
There's absolutely nothing wrong in the season you're in.
I know this goes against everything you have been taught until NOW.
 Stop putting pressure on YOURSELF.
Stop comparing yourself with others, There's nothing wrong with the season you're in.
Learn everything God wants you to learn in this season.

Love yourself
Know that you're worth more

May I submit to you, that the problem is not in our relationship, But in our inability to maximize our SINGLENESS. 
And I conclude on this note: -
Until you're Okay with being you ( single ) ,you cannot love others well.

I'm going to round off this Subject on SINGLENESS in my next publication.
Get Ready we are plunging deeper.

If you're just joining in.
Please try to keep pace with PART 1A,B,C&D AND ALSO PART 2A.
 God bless you.
Please keep SHARING


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