• I will start by saying, the beauty of light is not felt until there is darkness. The aim of these article is to make you understand these simple fact, if you are scared as a person failing in life then you should be scared to succeed. Success is not achieved until one goes through the due process for it, and that process is called failure.

Your level of expertise is measured by the amount of impossibility you conquered, most at times these impossible is accompanied by the amount of fear other times failures you to overcame before they bestow on you the tag of an expert. So, any success that have not failed before can not be called a true success.
Every man you know that is successful today once experience a zero level of success(failure stage) these can also be called the stage of no result. 

At every stage of success. Falling is possible and moving forward is also possible. Let me explain, let use these example, the choice of you been a graduate was made by you, though u knew the risk involved, the number of years to be spent, the amount of time and resource it will consume  but you decided to dare it since you know their was a probability of you finishing strong so you dare to start schooling. So there is always a sacrifice to be paid at every level of success (at the expense of been a graduate you faced series of exams and test to qualify you for the next class, the more your test and exam the more closer you in becoming a graduate) so, dear friends don't expect to move to the next level when the prices are not paid.

They had to battle self recognition, inferiority complex, self esteem and lot more to start their journey to success.
At every stage, age, sex, gender, religion, tradition, and tribe these  has nothing to do with your success but your wiliness and the spirit of consistency at the various level(time phase) is all that  matters. Permit me to quote my success law which state that the higher your sacrifices the higher your success. It could be your time, your money your pursuit, your dream etc....
At every stage there is a sacrifice to be paid. So be ready at all time
Success has guide, if you reject it's guide then be ready to be stock with failure every thing that has to do with success has direction and rules. If you follow the rules u rest assured you will land safely on the other side.
             MY MIND MY SUCCESS.
The mind is the first stage where success is birth, so if you can conceive success even in the presence of failure you can birth success. There is something so unique about the mind which is what ever get the highest percentage of your thought(negative/positive) that what the mind picks and reacts on. So if you can think it then let nothing stop you from achieving it. Every success Is first conceive in the mind, and that mind controls all physical success actions that men sees. For failure to get a hold of you it has to first get a hold of your mind.
So don't let your failures define you instead allow your failures begot your success let your failures be your success story when you reach your peak of pursuit. Failure will surely  come but don't let that define you.

In conclusion, you have to control what ever goes into your mind that has to do with failure, don't let your failures stay too long in your mind, always learn to shade out your failures remember what has the highest percentage of your thought that is what your mind works with so allow success to be in your mind and permit your hands to achieve the target.

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