Welcome to another episode of relationship series with pastor vee. series

Part 1C
Author: Pst: Vee
            Glory! It's been a season of great light. Friends, God has been helping us tremendously since we started this series, the testimonies, feedbacks  is been Awesome.
Thanks for sharing.
If you have not read Part 1A and B, please do you will be glad you did.
We were able to establish from our previous sessions that God wants one of our goal to be that every RELATIONSHIP helps us become a better version of ourselves, that it helps us succeed. So we said from Part 1B that God wants a relationship firstly with us, then wants a relationship for us with others.
     People tend to see every relationship with the opposite sex as carnality especially from our "cycle". Like Oh....... don't associate with ladies they will lead you into committing sexual sin and you will never be able to please God. Hmmm!😱
They are devils.   Oh REALLY?

HEAR ME and Listen well>>>
They're not the Devil, ........But any relationship that the purpose is not known, opens the door to the Devil. Do you understand?
     Let me put it this way, if we really know the purpose of our relationship then we won't allow for the cracks that gives the Devil access into our relationship.

So today! We will looking at what God's provision is for us to be successful at our relationships. Yes God has designed an order for relationships.
He wants us to succeed at Relationship.

No matter the level of relationship you're in right now, whether it be friendship, soul partners, business partners etc... there's an order designed by God for the success of that LEVEL of  relationship.

My focus Tonight is ....
What to do . 
How do I know I'm ready for a partner?
What does it take?
        Beloved, they're things God has designed and He wants to deposit them into our lives as individuals before anybody partners with us relationally. What we do many times is that we look for people to fill the space in our lives that only God can fill.
 So we live in a generation where people  engage in PURPOSELESS relationship in the name of being lonely without building themselves up to attaining God's standard for their lives before finding a life partner.
      Today We will be looking at FIVE things that God wants to give you before a Person.

1. God wants to you give you a #PLACE
   Not just an apartment. it's key, but that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is that God wants to place you in a place where he knows Purpose can happen in your life. 

We find ourselves in a generation where many people tend to be seeking for placement outside God's plan and looking for people to validate the place they are.
      God created the Garden of Eden first, before  ever creating man and placed Him there even before EVE came into his life.
What you think is a coincidence is God's placement for you. He placed you in that family for a purpose, your family might not look it, But your generation is on the look out for you because God placed you there for a purpose. He place you in that school for a purpose , your might not be the best , but hear me you're not among the rest. You're unique, important and you presence means more than you were made to believe.
        So they're things that God wants to develop on the inside of you even from your present location, even from that family. Oh yes!
They're things you have to build up tolerance against for the purpose of what he has called you to accomplish.
But We fight the place we are so hard.
       We fight the job God has placed us in.
       We fight the people God placed us around.
       We fight the church that God's gat us in.
 You may not see it, you may not even be aware. Of course Adam did not see Eden ahead of time... Yet God placed him there.
        Before a relationship God wants you to find your place in life and destiny. For Adam it was Eden. God didn't give him Eve  until the five things I will be talking about happened to him.  

COUNSEL: Don't fight God's place for your life. Allow God have his right of place .
 Don't go around looking for a sister, Sisters don't go around looking for a brother 👉Find your place where Purpose can happen to you.  Don't be everywhere be at a known location. Be known for something.
Don't exist in confusion.

2. God wants you to Discover your #PURPOSE
    One major problem I believe God will help us solve via this teaching is the issue of Purpose. I have done a series on PURPOSE in 2018 you can follow our Ministry page on for more on our series on PURPOSE and other life's changing series.
    Many people are looking for relationship outside God's jurisdiction for their lives thereby missing out of God's purpose for their life.
While we are busy complaining about the place that God's gat us in, God is saying I'm about to making out something for you, I'm about showing you, your PURPOSE.
     GOD is saying I know you don't have as much as you desire now, but I'm working things out in your favour. 
Family, the thing is , if we can embrace the place that God has placed us, if we can find the reason why he placed us in the place we're in, we will be glad He placed us there.
    God wants you to find your bearing in life. That's talking about your place in His Agenda and after that encounter your PURPOSE.
NOTE: All these things comes before a person. Before any relationship find your PURPOSE for living.  This is not optional
It's one principle we have neglected and God wants to bring us back to it.

Hear me!
 Adam started walking in PURPOSE even before EVE came into his life. 
STOP disturbing that sister please.
Common leave that brother alone and sit under God. Stay in your place and birth purpose.

#Relationship is not a cure for loneliness
I repeat Relationship is not the cure for loneliness. PURPOSE is the cure.
Purposelessness is key to loneliness a  life not withstanding.
              What I want to drive home today is......
While you're waiting for Him, while you're looking for Her. God is trying to reveal to you the reason why He placed you here.
       NOTE: Until you stop trying to put people in the place that only God can fill you will never stop experiencing disappointment in your relationship.

#Discover Purpose
#Living without purpose is like Driving with your eyes close.

Three More to go
Keep keeping pace with this series
Read Part 1A & B for maximum understanding it will help you grow constructively.

I celebrate all of you sharing and tagging friends
      Watch Out for
            Part 1D

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