We are glad you could made it to our series today, today on potential series, we would be answering a very common question asked among ourselves on daily basis.
The question "who are you"?.
The above question is one question most individual fails to answer correctly, when it comes to self definition. They normally take it as a sense of identification, thou to some extent it is, but on the aspect of potential it does not only refers to your identification but also your inward worth as an individual.
On this case if I should ask you "who are you"?. Am expecting you to tell me your vision, mission and reasons you are living for, how do you want to live a legacy behind. This answer is coming base on your DREAM PURSUIT and ASPIRATIONS. So each time you ask yourself while standing looking at mirror. Remember to recit your vision, mission and reasons you are living for etc.

Are you telling me if am asked to identify myself I should start telling people my vision and mission?.
Don't get me wrong, they are certain people you meet and places you go that requires such information, the environment you find yourself should warranty the means of identification you use as an individual.

Learn to always remind yourself of your potential identiy, this help you keep your DREAM PURSUIT and ASPIRATIONS in check. (Should in case you miss that article check it out) here.
Your constant reminder help you dare to dream and meet up with your vision and mission you have fixed for yourself.

People may look at your incompetence but but God is looking at your inward ability. God always view humans as a sculptor views a Rock. A sculptor sees so differently, so do God when he see you, when others see disadvantage he(God) see advantage, when others thinks you are a junk, God is looking at you as an investment.

In conclusion, people might have written you off. You might be addicted, you may feel like the black sheep, some might have told you you will amount to nothing and you have began to believe it?
You are probably the one God is waiting for in the house. God sees thing deep within you, in which others can't see  they look at you and see a nobody but God look at you and smile because he is seeing a worthwhile somebody
Don't spend you life competing with others trying to prove you are somebody and still they don't recognize your efforts. Be free for that today!. And rebrand your begin.
 Take your time and answer this question sincerely "who are you"?. Please don't base your answer on what people concluded on you or what you think you are you. Look deep within your abilities and answer the question.
You are not a junk! You are exactly what your abilities says you are, because you got potential and with potential you are SOMEBODY.

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